Computer Science


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Computer Science A21

Modules are system blocks.

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Computer Science A22

ALU is the Arithmetic Logic Unit

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Computer Science A23

Backplane bus connects all three departments, processor, I/O devices, and memory.

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Computer Science A24

Calculate the CPU time using (Instructions over program) x (average cycles over instructions) x (seconds over cycle).

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Computer Science A25

Interrupts happen when the normal flow of execution is altered.

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Computer Science A26

During the JUMP command, current value is replaced with an X. Move forward to the next instruction.

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Computer Science A27

Interrupt latency are time sets between the generation of an interruption and the routine process.

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Computer Science A28

The role of an assembler is to convert long numbers to words and symbols.

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Computer Science A29

Control word is a set of signals executing appropriate microoperations.

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Computer Science A30

MARIES entire microprogram is in a contiguous space.

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