Welcome to Psychology

Sections Contents
Study of behavior and influences causing behavior. Brief overview of Psychology and it's subfields. Learn about the scientific method. How to create a hypothesis, research, test, data analysis, and form conclusions. Famous philosophers and their contributions to psychology. Learn about introspection, structalism, functionalism, and information processing. Develop research tactics. Different perspectives of behaviors such as psychodynamic, neuroscience, behavioral and many others. Free will and determinism. Explore methods of investigations, correlations, variables, and experimenting. Categorizing groups, participants and consent policies. The structure and operations of neurons. All or none law. Weber's law. Communications between neurons and the central nervous system. Inhibitory and exhibitory messages. Chemicals within the brain and their influences throughout the human body. Different divisions of the central nervous system. The use of technology to research biological interactions in the brain. Learn the different areas of the brain. Sensation, perception, stimulus, psychophysics, and threshold. Examining different sections of the eye and communication between the eye and the brain. How vision effects behavior? Theories behind color vision. Examining the ear. The defintion of sound and how it travels throughtout the environment.

Tip: For every topic, Start at A1.

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Psychology A1

Begin studying human behavior and mental processes.

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Psychology A2

Behavior is influenced by an inner force that humans have little control of.

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Psychology A3

Factors change or vary in some way.

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Psychology A4

Neurons contain of a good nucleus.

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Psychology A5

Chemicals that are released from the terminal buttons which are recieved from the dendrite of the receiving neuron. These chemicals travel across the synapse.

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Psychology A6

The body prepares organisms for stressful situation. Either fight or run.

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Psychology A7

Maintaining homeostasis and regulating behavior that is vital for the survival of the species.

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Psychology A8

An analysis, organizing and intergration of stimuli using sensory organs and the brain.

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Psychology A9

Within the retina, center the image on the fovea. Cones concentrate on the fovea to focus, sharpen and concentrate the image.

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Psychology A10

Receptor cells that correlate with color, are joined in pairs and work in opposition.