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Astronomy A21

Polarity is a property within the magnetic field.

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Astronomy A22

O2 undergoes pressure causing an oxygen to break off and compressing it onto another O2 molecule. This is how O3 created in the stratosphere.

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Astronomy A23

The apparent noon is the time when the Sun is at the highest point in the sky.

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Astronomy A24

When traveling, the international date line maintains the same date. Regardless of time adjustment.

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Astronomy A25

Super moon is the moment when the moon seems to be at its largest.

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Astronomy A26

The Moon's mantle is composed of rock containing a large amount olivine.

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Astronomy A27

High tides and low tides does not occur everyday at the same time.

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Astronomy A28

Comets are bodies in space that enter the Solar system forming a tail due the vaporization of their icy compositions.

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Astronomy A29

Kepler 444 is an older star.

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Astronomy A30

Surfaces begin to solidify during the last stages of planet formation.