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Astronomy A41

Luminosity is the brightness a star. The energy it radiates each second.

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Astronomy A42

If two stars have the same size, the hotter one radiates more energy.

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Astronomy A43

The main sequence is where the majority of stars fall under when categorized by the H - R diagram.

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Astronomy A44

Mass determines a star's life and evolution.

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Astronomy A45

Bipolar flows are outflows of gas bursting out in opposite directions, moving like jets.

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Astronomy A46

The instability strip is a region on the atmosphere that traps radiation leading the gases to cool and change brightness.

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Astronomy A47

Degeneracy pressure happens when white dwarfs are under pressure causing the gas to act as a solid.

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Astronomy A48

X Ray binaries have stars with intense radiation.

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Astronomy A49

The core is a galaxy's nucleus.

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Astronomy A50

A reflection nebula happens when a gas reflects sunlight from the interstellar dust causing the nebula to shine.

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Astronomy A51

Considering the shape of galaxies, there are three main classes.

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Astronomy A52

Red Galaxies tend to be cooler and have less gas compared to blue galaxies.

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Astronomy A53

MACHO stands for Massive Compact Halo Object.

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Astronomy A54

Quarks and anti-quarks makes up proton and anti-protons.