Welcome to History of the United States

Section Content
Discovery of the Americas. Precontact Americas, migration, and tools. The Arachaic period, and origins of small towns. Early civilizations throughout the Americas. The development of roads, calendars, time system, and language. Early development of medical, and military schools. The discovery of agriculture. Native American civilizations in the Americas. Traditional gender roles. European migration and the Black Death. Christopher Columbus and his early encounters in the Americas. The Spanish, French, and English Empires interactions. How did religion play a role in European migration to the New World? Systems of early civilizations. Intermarriage between European and local natives. Brief recap on early African civilization, and the Mediterranean World. Rise of merchants, and different social classes in the Americas. Factors of the Americas early economy. English reformation, puritans, and separatist. First English settlements and aid from local natives. The Spanish Armada. The creation of Jamestown, North Carolina, Baltimore, Maryland, and Virginia. What is the headright system? The Powhatan Confederacy. Production in America. Bacon's Rebellion and territorital expansion. Welcoming the Pilgrims and Thanksgiving.

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U.S. History A1

America was home to millions of individuals before the arrival of Christopher Columbus.

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U.S. History A2

Agricultural society is a society that supports itself with agriculture. A great amount of fertile land, and a functional irrigation system is required.

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U.S. History A3

Christopher Columbus proposed the voyage westward across the Altantic to Ferdinand de Aragon and Isabella of Castile.

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U.S. History A4

Don Juan de Onate was a Spaniard official who established settlements in and around New Mexico.

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U.S. History A5

Around the early 16th century, African slaves were imported to the New World. The Indian workforce did not quite meet the colonist's wishes.

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U.S. History A6

At first, the idea of mercantilism spread through out Europe.

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U.S. History A7

James I forced high taxation that would favor the church. This lead people to refuge out the country.

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U.S. History A8

In order to conquer the Atlantic, Spain sent the Spanish Armada to attack England.

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U.S. History A9

The Headright System were grants of land of fifty acres.

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U.S. History A10

Sir Willaim Berkeley was governor of Virginia from 1642 - 1677.